Tenant Tips
Tenant Tips is a newsletter I publish occasionally. Below is the latest newsletter. Back issues are below it, if you would like to learn more.
1/17 Tenant Tips
An occasional newsletter to help you financially
Cutting Utility Costs by: 1) if "jiggling" a toilet handle doesn't immediately stop the flapper in the water closet from leaking get it fixed pronto to save maybe 1000 gallons. Put some drops of food coloring in the water closet after it fills. If the color shows in the bowl there is a leak of up to 100 gallons per day!; 2) shortening shower by just 2 minutes can save 1750 gallons per person per year - wow; 3) using a ceiling fan can allow increasing thermostat setting by 4 degrees without reducing comfort! Raising temperature by 3-5 degrees can save cooling costs by 3-5%; 4) Don't create unnecessary heat by washing dishes, laundry, bathing, cooking either before noon or after 8pm; 5) turn off computer when not in use; 6) your dad said turn off the lights - do it; 6) watch teenagers as they are the biggest wasters. PAY ATTENTION TO THESE as these are easy ways to have more money!
Retirement Income Protection: The amount you have been told you will receive is just a guess as it depends on many, many factors such as how long people in that plan will live, what the inflation and interest rates will be, how many and how much each of those future employees will contribute and many other factors, OVER WHICH YOU HAVE ABSOLUTELY NO CONTROL! What to do: develop multiple streams of income like A- CASH SAVINGS, B- RENTALS, C- COLLECTING RARE GEMS, STATUTES, STAMPS, etc; D- buying tax sale lots; E- whatever else you can thinks of to reliably create a stream of income. How can you be confident in social security and your retirement plan with bankruptcy of Detroit, General Motors and many others? Just a little invested now is worth thousands later. TRY SOMETHING!
ASKING UNTIL YOU UNDERSTAND what the penalty for you paying late is for:
-auto registration;
-parking tickets;
-federal income tax;
-state income tax (TX & Fla. don't have income tax - just sales tax);
-auto payments;
-EACH of your credit cards.
OR effect on you of:
-not having medical insurance;
-not telling a medical doctor what you usually eat & being examined EACH year!
-paying off early your auto debt (often doesn't reduce interest);
-mileage on your car in probably repairs (have experienced mechanic inspect);
-not getting the training/certificates to advance in your career -truly!
-not having your children before you're too old to teach them adult life-lessons.
What Top Doctors' RECOMMEND MOST (source AARP survey reported 11/2016):
DAILY: 30-minute walks + 7-8 hours nightly sleep + spend time daily with loved one or friend
EAT LESS: "fast" food; soda; "junk" food; cookies; chips; white bread; pasta & pizza; white rice; ice cream,
cake, doughnuts, sweets.
Eat MORE vegetables. Surprise, eh?
DON'T: smoke; not exercise; feel isolated - get involved in something; tell doctor about pains and health
complaints; take painkillers daily; see a shrink if you feel angry or worried or stressed more than feel happy.
Develop Confidence That You Can Succeed Financially by stiffing a kleenex box with All your receipts and check copies/stubs for 30 continuous days. Then, sort them out between fixed and variable expenses and total up just the variable. These are what YOU can vary this year. Then do so! You could also reduce some fixed ones by: refinancing car payments; finding a cheaper rent; refinance student loans and maybe even credit card loans. IF YOU ARE NOT SVING SOMETHING EACH MONTH - YOU ARE DIGGING A DEEPER HOLE TO CLIMB!
HOW GET TIME TO USE/PLAN FOR TENANT TIP WARNINGS & HELPS? Develop a weekly Habit of taking reflection/private time like: a) while driving home; b) while spouse is getting kids ready for Sun. AM church; c) while washing clothes/dishes/vacuuming after all have left, d) eating lunch in car rather in restaurant. PUSH completion of no more than 2 goals per 2 weeks! A CONSTANT HABIT regardless of what habit produces REAL life improvements!
Most Women Die From Heart Attacks even before age 50 because they don't discuss it and their general health with their doctors at least every year. DO SO!
Renters' Insurance is for what landlord's insurance doesn't cover like: loss of your clothes, TV, furniture, musical instruments, computer and liability to your guests when any of these are damaged say due to THEFT, fire, broken water/gas pipes, attorneys to defend you if your guests sue you (how kind), usually even if you cause injury to another say in the grocery store you cause someone to trip, plus motel costs and even food costs to live somewhere else when your rented places is un-liveable say due to furnace failure or fire or usually broken water pipe flooding. NOT COVERED usually: 1) replacement costs unless you add that to the policy. Depreciated value of furniture and clothes will be zilch without adding this; 2) loss above the dinky policy limits for jewelry, firearms, sterling or plate silverware, rugs, tools, cash and coins UNLESS you pay for a higher limit; 3) damage caused by flood or earthquake unless you pay for additional coverage. HAVE PHOTOS OF DRAWER & CLOSET CONTENTS AND EVERYTHING YOU WANT COVERED! At least ask an insurance agent & SHOP for costs!.
An occasional newsletter to help you financially
Cutting Utility Costs by: 1) if "jiggling" a toilet handle doesn't immediately stop the flapper in the water closet from leaking get it fixed pronto to save maybe 1000 gallons. Put some drops of food coloring in the water closet after it fills. If the color shows in the bowl there is a leak of up to 100 gallons per day!; 2) shortening shower by just 2 minutes can save 1750 gallons per person per year - wow; 3) using a ceiling fan can allow increasing thermostat setting by 4 degrees without reducing comfort! Raising temperature by 3-5 degrees can save cooling costs by 3-5%; 4) Don't create unnecessary heat by washing dishes, laundry, bathing, cooking either before noon or after 8pm; 5) turn off computer when not in use; 6) your dad said turn off the lights - do it; 6) watch teenagers as they are the biggest wasters. PAY ATTENTION TO THESE as these are easy ways to have more money!
Retirement Income Protection: The amount you have been told you will receive is just a guess as it depends on many, many factors such as how long people in that plan will live, what the inflation and interest rates will be, how many and how much each of those future employees will contribute and many other factors, OVER WHICH YOU HAVE ABSOLUTELY NO CONTROL! What to do: develop multiple streams of income like A- CASH SAVINGS, B- RENTALS, C- COLLECTING RARE GEMS, STATUTES, STAMPS, etc; D- buying tax sale lots; E- whatever else you can thinks of to reliably create a stream of income. How can you be confident in social security and your retirement plan with bankruptcy of Detroit, General Motors and many others? Just a little invested now is worth thousands later. TRY SOMETHING!
ASKING UNTIL YOU UNDERSTAND what the penalty for you paying late is for:
-auto registration;
-parking tickets;
-federal income tax;
-state income tax (TX & Fla. don't have income tax - just sales tax);
-auto payments;
-EACH of your credit cards.
OR effect on you of:
-not having medical insurance;
-not telling a medical doctor what you usually eat & being examined EACH year!
-paying off early your auto debt (often doesn't reduce interest);
-mileage on your car in probably repairs (have experienced mechanic inspect);
-not getting the training/certificates to advance in your career -truly!
-not having your children before you're too old to teach them adult life-lessons.
What Top Doctors' RECOMMEND MOST (source AARP survey reported 11/2016):
DAILY: 30-minute walks + 7-8 hours nightly sleep + spend time daily with loved one or friend
EAT LESS: "fast" food; soda; "junk" food; cookies; chips; white bread; pasta & pizza; white rice; ice cream,
cake, doughnuts, sweets.
Eat MORE vegetables. Surprise, eh?
DON'T: smoke; not exercise; feel isolated - get involved in something; tell doctor about pains and health
complaints; take painkillers daily; see a shrink if you feel angry or worried or stressed more than feel happy.
Develop Confidence That You Can Succeed Financially by stiffing a kleenex box with All your receipts and check copies/stubs for 30 continuous days. Then, sort them out between fixed and variable expenses and total up just the variable. These are what YOU can vary this year. Then do so! You could also reduce some fixed ones by: refinancing car payments; finding a cheaper rent; refinance student loans and maybe even credit card loans. IF YOU ARE NOT SVING SOMETHING EACH MONTH - YOU ARE DIGGING A DEEPER HOLE TO CLIMB!
HOW GET TIME TO USE/PLAN FOR TENANT TIP WARNINGS & HELPS? Develop a weekly Habit of taking reflection/private time like: a) while driving home; b) while spouse is getting kids ready for Sun. AM church; c) while washing clothes/dishes/vacuuming after all have left, d) eating lunch in car rather in restaurant. PUSH completion of no more than 2 goals per 2 weeks! A CONSTANT HABIT regardless of what habit produces REAL life improvements!
Most Women Die From Heart Attacks even before age 50 because they don't discuss it and their general health with their doctors at least every year. DO SO!
Renters' Insurance is for what landlord's insurance doesn't cover like: loss of your clothes, TV, furniture, musical instruments, computer and liability to your guests when any of these are damaged say due to THEFT, fire, broken water/gas pipes, attorneys to defend you if your guests sue you (how kind), usually even if you cause injury to another say in the grocery store you cause someone to trip, plus motel costs and even food costs to live somewhere else when your rented places is un-liveable say due to furnace failure or fire or usually broken water pipe flooding. NOT COVERED usually: 1) replacement costs unless you add that to the policy. Depreciated value of furniture and clothes will be zilch without adding this; 2) loss above the dinky policy limits for jewelry, firearms, sterling or plate silverware, rugs, tools, cash and coins UNLESS you pay for a higher limit; 3) damage caused by flood or earthquake unless you pay for additional coverage. HAVE PHOTOS OF DRAWER & CLOSET CONTENTS AND EVERYTHING YOU WANT COVERED! At least ask an insurance agent & SHOP for costs!.
Below are all the past copies of the newsletter for you if you are interested in them.
Here are some links to various sites in the legal world as well as other sites that may interest you.
CA links:
CA Franchise Tax Board https://www.ftb.ca.gov/index.shtml?disabled=true for CA Tax Forms
CA codes http://www.leginfo.ca.gov/calaw.html for CA law that you are responsible to know and follow, when in CA, even though no judge knows all of them.
Orange County, CA Superior Court http://www.occourts.org/
Los Angeles County, CA Superior Court http://www.lasuperiorcourt.org/
CA Controler for unclaimed property http://www.sco.ca.gov/upd.html for any property that you may have lost
CA agency list http://www.ca.gov/Apps/Agencies.aspx
CA State Bar Consumer Pamphlet page http://www.calbar.ca.gov/Public/Pamphlets.aspx (helpful info on state laws in certain situations)
Federal links:
US Code http://www.gpoaccess.gov/uscode/browse.html
US Code of Federal Regulations http://www.gpo.gov/fdsys/browse/collectionCfr.action?selectedYearFrom=2011&page.go=Go
IRS web site http://www.irs.gov/ Federal Tax Forms
JSC Digital Image Collection http://images.jsc.nasa.gov/ pictures taken by various space craft
Miscellaneous links that you may find interesting or informative:
Score - "Counselors to America's Small Business" http://www.score.org/
Internet archive http://www.archive.org/ Archived text, software, moving images, audio files, live music archives, etc.
Sites to check out that charity before you give a donation:
Charity ratings at www.charitynavigator.org much information is available on the charity, including how much gets to those they are helping.
IRS to see if you can deduct from your federal taxes www.irs.gov/charities-non-profits/search-for-charities
FTB to see if CA exempt www.ftb.ca.gov/businesses/Exempt-Organizations/Entity-list.shtml
CA Franchise Tax Board https://www.ftb.ca.gov/index.shtml?disabled=true for CA Tax Forms
CA codes http://www.leginfo.ca.gov/calaw.html for CA law that you are responsible to know and follow, when in CA, even though no judge knows all of them.
Orange County, CA Superior Court http://www.occourts.org/
Los Angeles County, CA Superior Court http://www.lasuperiorcourt.org/
CA Controler for unclaimed property http://www.sco.ca.gov/upd.html for any property that you may have lost
CA agency list http://www.ca.gov/Apps/Agencies.aspx
CA State Bar Consumer Pamphlet page http://www.calbar.ca.gov/Public/Pamphlets.aspx (helpful info on state laws in certain situations)
Federal links:
US Code http://www.gpoaccess.gov/uscode/browse.html
US Code of Federal Regulations http://www.gpo.gov/fdsys/browse/collectionCfr.action?selectedYearFrom=2011&page.go=Go
IRS web site http://www.irs.gov/ Federal Tax Forms
JSC Digital Image Collection http://images.jsc.nasa.gov/ pictures taken by various space craft
Miscellaneous links that you may find interesting or informative:
Score - "Counselors to America's Small Business" http://www.score.org/
Internet archive http://www.archive.org/ Archived text, software, moving images, audio files, live music archives, etc.
Sites to check out that charity before you give a donation:
Charity ratings at www.charitynavigator.org much information is available on the charity, including how much gets to those they are helping.
IRS to see if you can deduct from your federal taxes www.irs.gov/charities-non-profits/search-for-charities
FTB to see if CA exempt www.ftb.ca.gov/businesses/Exempt-Organizations/Entity-list.shtml
Byron D. Groves, Attorney at Law
23232 Peralta Dr., Ste. 111
Laguna Hills, CA 92653
23232 Peralta Dr., Ste. 111
Laguna Hills, CA 92653